What services do you offer for Single Women Single Persons born with Ovaries or Same Sex Female couples?
We offer a full range of family building services which include Intrauterine insemination (IUI) where we help the patient time ovulation of an egg and then perform insemination of specially prepared donor sperm into the uterus; all the way to Reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF) where we can use eggs from one partner and donor sperm to create embryos that the other partner will then carry! Or, for same sex female couples, both partners can also use their eggs to create sibling embryos, via in vitro fertilization (IVF) with Donor sperm, that either partner can then carry during a pregnancy! Talk to our Fertility Counselor Today, to learn more!
We work with our patients to help them source donor sperm from FDA approved sperm banks across the United States. Here is a list of sperm banks.